( Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember , Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember , Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember , Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember )
Keywords: Food diversification,SCM-IS,Open ERP
Food is one of basic needs of human to stay alive; it means food security take strategic position for human living continuance. Food diversification can be a solution in Indonesian Food Consumption Pattern has deviated from PPH (Food Consumption Expectation). Implementing Food Diversification can increase food security when climate, endemic, biotic, and seasonal factor happened. To support food diversification, foremost activity is food procurement process, starting from the demand, production, marketing, distribution and consumption of food. This activity series exist in industry concept named Supply Chain Management. With converting rice needs into cassava, this research applied forecasting method to predict the human food needs in the future. The complexity of this research is not only placed on the converting and forecasting cassava needs but also took on tapioca factory. The tapioca factory is considered as loyal customer of Bulog that will surely affect the existing workflow and distributing system.