An Interface Model for Information Visualization of Multiple Electronic Health Records

by Muhammad Sheraz Arshad Malik,Suziah Sulaiman
( Department of Computer & Information Sciences Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS )

Date Published: 02 Dec 2013
Published In: Information Systems International Conference (ISICO)
Volume: 2013
Publisher: Departemen Sistem Informasi, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Language: id-ID

Keywords: Visual Analytic Interfaces,EHR visualization,Information Visualization Model,Temporal Data Representation,Patient Records interface


Different visualization tools and systems facilitate physicians and medical professionals in interpreting both temporal and non-temporal patient’s information using Electronic Health Record (EHR). But due to lack of information organization, physicians and experts still find it difficult to infer concise patient’s data. Current EHR applications focus on different data type representation using multiple colour schemes and format. This trend indicates lesser emphasis on enhanced and detail level of patient information as per requirement of physicians for understanding complete patient history. This limitation raises the need, to propose a conceptual interface model to design a visual analytical solution for EHR. Patient record comprise of different data format including personal & disease details, lab results , x ray and doctors recommendation. This paper highlights the importance of this model with the support of preliminary results of a study on a group of physicians understanding about EHR tools in public hospitals. This model adjuncts the collaboration of data representation with enhancing the multiple sections of EHR interface by collaborating different data sources from query section, past data, lab results and data representation style. This model proposes to generate multiple portions of an interface in visualization for temporal information in patient data set. Possessing multiple interfaces features within the same interface, is envisaged to be detailed enough in terms of the data presented yet easy to be understood by the physicians.

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