Cognitive Task Analysis: A Contextual Inquiry Study on Basic Computer and Information Literacy Skills among Physicians

by Fozia Anwar,Suziah Sulaiman,P.D.D.Dominic
( Department of Computer and Information Sciences Faculty of Information Technology Universiti Teknologi Petronas )

Date Published: 02 Dec 2013
Published In: Information Systems International Conference (ISICO)
Volume: 2013
Publisher: Departemen Sistem Informasi, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Language: id-ID

Keywords: Information Literacy,Computer Literacy,Evidence based practice,Cognitive task analysis,CTA


With the advancement of health information technology, knowledge in the healthcare sector is also expanding vigorously. Adequate competencies and skills in computer and information literacy are required by the physicians to take advantage of the expanding medical literature. This study explores the basic computer and information literacy skills of physicians which are required for implementation of successful evidence based practice. Video recordings and think aloud methods are used as data collecting tool. This is a cross sectional qualitative study and convenient sampling technique is used to collect data. In this study, up to 20 health care professionals participated. The equal skill program of ECDL (European Computer Driving License) divides the basic computer literacy skills into 4 categories. Tasks were formulated from all of these 4 categories addressing the computer and information literacy skills. The results were analyzed by taking bloom’s taxonomy into account. These tasks and subtasks were further analyzed for proficient computer literacy and standardized information literacy skills. Result shows that information literacy skills for evidence based practice are severely deficient than basic computer literacy skills. As this is the information and digital age which challenged the traditional horizontal skills and competencies of medical professionals to being vertical, thus, creating a more holistic view of learning.

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