Evaluating the QOS for E-Commerce Architecture Using Proposed WQM Algorithm

by Riktesh Srivastava
( Information Systems Skyline University College University City of Sharjah UAE )

Date Published: 02 Dec 2013
Published In: Information Systems International Conference (ISICO)
Volume: 2013
Publisher: Departemen Sistem Informasi, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Language: id-ID

Keywords: QoS,WQM,Classifier Algorithm,Priority Queue Algorithm Final Queue Algorithm,M/M/n/K,G/G/n/K


Impulsive demands posed by unexpected flows of requests from users on Internet have made it exceedingly challenging for E-Commerce to offer anticipated Quality of Service (QoS). In order to provide stable service, it is important for electronic commerce architecture to recognize the QoS (Quality of Service), such as, the response time for requests, delay in accessing the services offered by servers implemented in E-Commerce architecture, and the number of requests waiting in the queue and thereby identifying the strategies to service the requests promptly. The correct and swift QoS can prominently aid to build and operate electronic commerce architecture more proficiently. In this paper, design and implementation of a QoS-enabled WQM (Web Queue Model) Algorithm is proposed, which uses the queuing models to prioritize the requests from different classes of users. The proposed algorithm takes the requests from clients, and uses three different set of algorithms simultaneously, namely, Classifier Algorithm, Priority Queue Algorithm and Final Queue Algorithm, to improve the QoS for requests. The comprehensive performance of the WQM Algorithm is depicted using various Queuing models and the results are shown accordingly. The queue models which are implemented using the simulation study include the comparative study of the WQM models using M/M/n/K and G/G/n/K models.

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