( Department of Information Systems Faculty of Information Technology Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember )
Keywords: Best practice,Software development methodology,Software quality assurance,IEEE 730-2002 standard
Ideally, the development of an application should follow a software development methodology in order to provide a clear direction of the development process that ultimately will yield a high quality software product. However, many cases happen when the development of software is failed to adopt any software methodology and in addition to that, absence to consider the standard used for assuring the quality of software. These lead to some problems: 1) the control to the software quality assurance was too difficult to conduct, 2) the deviation of requirements, 3) error founds during validation and verification processes and 4) the difficulty for future development. All this time, there is no such comprehensive instrument available to help developers ensure the quality of software development process. This study is intended to identify a document and instruments required by a developer team in assuring the quality of software during development phase. To identify the document and instruments, we first need to find out the software development methodology of an application and then adjust the software methodology with the IEEE 730-2002 standard. To do so, we use School Social Network (SSN) as our case study. This study contributes to complete literature on software quality assurance that currently is still absence to provide a comprehensive literature about document and instruments used for developers.