Design of IT Governance Implementation Mechanism Using Organization Diagnosis and COBIT 5

by Yose Supriyadia

Date Published: 01 Nov 2015
Published In: Information Systems International Conference (ISICO)
Volume: 2015
Publisher: Departemen Sistem Informasi, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Language: ID

Keywords: IT Governance; Organizational Diagnosis; COBIT.


IT governance is needed to anticipate problems in implementing IT for an organization. Inconsistencies IT implementation with business objectives will lead to some other problems such as lack of priority using IT, ineffective IT investments and IT management that does not support the business processes, and lack of coordination between IT management and other units in an organization. Therefore, IT implementation needs good management to ensure authority, inter unit coordination and integration of IT function to achieve business goals. To implement effective IT governance, an organization should refer to a mechanism that meets structure, process and communication aspects. This paper discuss IT Governance implementation mechanism using IT and organization diagnosis on structural aspect, By diagnosing the organization using organizational level diagnosis model, which used in organization development (OD) process, COBIT 5 on process aspect and Eight Steps Kotter for communication aspect.

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