Implementation of Supply Chain Simulation Model

by Erna Mulyatia,Dini Hamidina,Dini Hamidinb

Date Published: 01 Nov 2015
Published In: Information Systems International Conference (ISICO)
Volume: 2015
Publisher: Departemen Sistem Informasi, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Language: ID

Keywords: simulation;supply chain;bulwhip effect;


The key to increase the performance of Indonesia's national logistics is to improve the system of logistic processes, as well as its Human Resources (HR) quality. In Higher education, one of the efforts to improve HR’s quality in the field of logistics is by giving students the knowledge of a simulation game, for instance using beer game. This game brings experience to the players (students) in managing distribution planning of goods from one manufacturer to the retails or end users, as well as the understanding of impact of bullwhip effect in the supply chain area. The contribution of this paper is to create a supply chain simulation model that can provide players (students) more experience in handling many supply chain scenarios. Supply chain simulation proposed in this paper is limited in design. It also used two methods, namely single moving average forecasting method and Economic Order Quantity Method (EOQ).

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