Keywords: musrenbang; monitoring; visualization; citizen; Surabaya
e-musrenbang or e-Musyawarah Rencana Pembangunan1 is a web application that enables citizen to input proposals to the Surabaya government related to development plans in their neighborhoods. These proposals then become the input to the government for the planning of the development in the following year. In order to monitor and evaluate the proposals that have been approved, we propose a web application by which the citizen of Surabaya can report the progress of development of these projects. In addition, we provide a visualization of the development data for giving an holistic view of the Surabaya city development. This project aims to assist the citizens by creating web application prototype for monitoring and visualizing information contained in the e-Musrenbang. We call this prototype MonVis-Musrenbang2. To enrich the information in the MonVis-Musrenbang, we would extract information related to public facility and infrastructure from the actual website and provide some dashboard for analytics. We expect such information to also help the government in designing better public policy. The application goals can be stated as follows: To promote transparency for government project in city, district and village level; To increase the awareness of Surabaya citizens about Surabaya’s development; To help the Government to make better policy with regard to its people and city development.