( Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Kadiri (STMIKKA) Kediri )
Keywords: kriptografi,LSB,Steganografi,Blowfish,MP3
Along with the development of information technology, the flow of information dissemination is increasing. This is one reason that information technology users are looking for ways to protect information. In the world of informatics, several ways can be done to maintain information security, including cryptographic techniques and steganography. Cryptography is defined as a technique that learns about how to protect information so that it is safe when sent to interested parties by encoding into forms that cannot be known by unauthorized parties, while steganography is defined as art and science of hiding secret messages so that their existence is unknown by other people. In this study discussed how to secure information using blowfish cryptography and LSB steganography with MP3 media. In addition, software is also produced for the implementation of these two information security techniques. From the results of the implementation it was concluded that in addition to using image media, the process of hiding messages can be done using MP3 media without causing significant changes to the original MP3 file.