Conformance Checking Process Mining SAP Modul SD (Sales and Distribution) dengan Metode Heuristic Miner

by Alexander Hestu Kusuma,Gunawan,Joan Santoso
( Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Surabaya )

Date Published: 31 Jan 2020
Published In: SISFO VOL 9 No 2
Volume: VOL 9 NO 2
Publisher: Departemen Sistem Informasi, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Language: ID

Keywords: SAP,process mining,ERP,Heruristic Miner,Conformance Checking,Event log


PT ABC is one of the private companies in Indonesia which is the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry. PT ABC divided sales categories into 2 types, exports and local sales. This sales process was included in the SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) module. But until now there has been no analysis conducted by the company to evaluate the sales business process. Evaluation of the sales business process uses one part of the mining process that is conformance checking. This research found 18 business process variants from 4614 event logs. After evaluating 18 business process variants, a fitness value calculation of 0.90 is obtained, this indicates that the sales business process at PT ABC is not yet perfect according to the SOP that have been set. From 18 variants of business processes found, there was found one variant that was completely incompatible with SOP, a variant 8 and found also variants that had carried out business processes in accordance with SOP, a variant 3.

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