Analisa Perilaku Penonton Youtuber Cilik Di Indonesia Berdasarkan Komentar Di Media Sosial

by Nur Aini Rakhmawati,Irfan Rifqi Susetyo,Dewi Septina Br. Pelawi,Bima Triadi Ruslan,Anezka Clarissa Kayla,Anisa Gemelia Adini
( Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember )

Date Published: 31 Jan 2020
Published In: SISFO VOL 9 No 2
Volume: VOL 9 NO 2
Publisher: Departemen Sistem Informasi, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Language: id-ID

Keywords: Behavior,Youtube,comment,kid,child,Netnographic


Youtube has become one of the social media that has the highest user level in the world. Users come from different backgrounds and categorizations. Most of the users are under 18 years, who even become Youtube content providers themselves. We use Netnographic method in this work. We collect a set of kid Youtube accounts that have many subscriber. After analyzing public behavior based on audience comments, it can be concluded that the public majority gave positive responses to young Youtubers . Some of the negative responses received when the young Youtuber create a content that influences audience to negative direction. This research is expected to be an analysis that can be representative to prove that young Youtuber gives positive and negative impacts on the public.

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