Penerapan Metodologi Agile Scrum dalam Pengembangan Situs Web AutomaTEEs untuk Pembuatan Desain Kaos Berbasis AI

by Darrell Valentino,Frans Nicklaus Gusyanto,Jhoni Ananta Sitepu,Dzaky Purnomo Rifa'i,Viera Tito Virgawan,Sholiq
( Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember )

Date Published: 30 Oct 2024
Published In: SISFO VOL 11 No 2
Volume: 11
Publisher: Departemen Sistem Informasi, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Language: id-ID

Keywords: Kecerdasan Buatan,Agile Scrum,Node.js,Express,HTML,Tailwind,JavaScript,API OpenAI


In the context of the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in Indonesia, the importance of data visualization has become a major concern in facilitating decision-making in various fields, including the fashion industry. automaTEEs is an online platform that integrates artificial intelligence to create attractive t-shirt designs according to user preferences. In developing automaTEEs, researchers adopted the Agile Scrum methodology to ensure responsiveness to evolving needs and efficient feature delivery. By using the Agile Scrum approach, communication and collaboration between developers and users are the main focus, ensuring that automaTEEs always meets customer needs and expectations. With a backend developed using Node.js and Express, and a frontend that utilizes HTML, Tailwind, and JavaScript with the OpenAI API, automaTEEs is able to provide a more interactive and personalized user experience in creating t-shirt designs. The results of the study showed that Agile Scrum is effective in managing projects adaptively, while the integration of AI successfully provides unique design personalization and an intuitive interface that makes it easier for users. To improve automaTEEs, it is recommended to add collaborative and AR features, regularly collect feedback, update the interface, leverage the cloud for scalability, optimize the backend, ensure data security with encryption, and focus on digital marketing and collaboration with printing businesses.

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