Analisis Pengaruh Penggunaan Workarounds Pada ImplementasiSistem ERP di PT. XYZ

by Putra Sativandi,Mahendrawathi ER
( Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember )

Date Published: 26 Dec 2020
Published In: SISFO VOL 9 NO 3
Volume: 9
Publisher: Departemen Sistem Informasi, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Language: id-ID

Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP),Workarounds,Company Business Processes,Plantation


Workarounds are an action or step to achieve work goals by overriding some rules that have been established by the company and business processes that have been implemented into the system. Several studies have looked at the impact of the Workarounds condition as positive or negative. It is known that the impact of the Workarounds condition that occurs on the implementation of ERP systems in companies, but there is only a few studies that link knowledge about the impact of the conditions of Workarounds by minimizing the impact to support the improvement of the quality of ERP implementation in companies. This paper uses a single case study research method which is analyzed using the Pattern Matching method and the results are used as a basis for drawing conclusions. The research was conducted in companies that have implemented an ERP system and are located in East Java, Indonesia. The data were obtained based on the results of interviews, observations, and several related documents which were then transcribed and analyzed qualitatively. The research stages included problem identification, literature review, research design, research data collection and analysis, discussion of the entire study, and drawing conclusions and suggestions. The results of this scientific research are in the form of sources of information and adding references about the conditions that Workarounds can have and the impact that Workarounds have on the implementation of ERP systems in companies so that they can be further developed in the future. This study provides a new picture that the ERP implementation system has a positive value in companies that have plantation business processes as well as a contribution of thought that can be used as a reference for knowledge to related parties in taking alternative policies by minimizing workarounds which aim to improve the harmony of ERP system implementation in company.

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