A Framework to Enhance Rural Healthcare Services Utilizing Cloud Computing and Videoconferencing

by Wahidah Husain,Neesha Jothib,Lau Yong Sernc,Goh Sau Hongd,Sam Shien Choonge

Date Published: 01 Nov 2015
Published In: Information Systems International Conference (ISICO)
Volume: 2015
Publisher: Departemen Sistem Informasi, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Language: id-ID

Keywords: Cloud Computing,Rural Healthcare,Electronic Medical Records,Videoconferencing,Automated Pre-Diagnosis


Lack of medical workers and poor medical services causes difficulty to detect contagious diseases for people living in remote areas. Early treatment which cannot be attained causes the mortality rate to increase in Malaysia from years to years especially in rural areas. A framework is proposed to control and monitor the infectious diseases and illnesses in rural areas. The main objective of this research paper is to overcome the physical barrier between patients in rural area and medical expert in urban area. Secondly, to help patients identify the possibility of getting infectious diseases and enhance medical quality in rural area by using videoconferencing technology, knowledge-based approach and cloud computing. In this framework, video conferencing, SMS, and voice call will be applied to exchange patient information. Knowledge-based approach is applied to pre- diagnose patients. For noncritical illness, the pre-diagnosis function can avoid the patient from travelling to save time and cost to meet a doctor. Patient‟s Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is stored in the cloud database which improves the management of patient record and analysis of diseases can be done in the future. The expected outcomes are to minimize the number of death caused by infectious diseases and serious illnesses and to improve medical services in remote area. The most suitable EMR system and videoconferencing software will be chosen for the framework. A prototype based on the framework will be developed and evaluation on prototype will be done at the end of this research.

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