Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



The Sixth ISICO 2021 is a fully virtual conference. So, you do not have to go anywhere. You just need to join the conference via internet.

Since the conference applies No-show policy, at least one author should attend to presentation session on behalf of other authors in one paper. Otherwise, the article will be excluded in any publications in ISICO. The attended author also has to answer if there is a question from the attendees.

Please send an email to [email protected] or contact +62-812-1679-2868 (via Whatsapp or Telegram, for non-international participants) if you have any problems.

Registration process will be available after all paper statuses are released. Therefore, this situation will be impossible in ISICO. To this point, we provide an enough period for registration process, so that an author can register for early bird conveniently.