Call For Papers

We are pleased to invite you to attend ISICO 2021 to be held virtually on August 7-8th, 2021. The conference theme is “Unleash the Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Information System for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals”. Our spirit towards this conference is to promote Information System as a collaborator in today’s interdisciplinary works (researches or projects) for dealing with the following Sustainable Development Goals’ issues:
 1.   No Poverty
 2.   Zero Hunger
 3.   Good Health and Well-being
 4.   Quality Education
 5.   Gender Equality
 6.  Clean Water and Sanitation
 7.  Affordable and Clean Energy
 8.  Decent Work and Economic Growth
 9.  Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10. Reduced Inequalities
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
14. Life Below Water
15. Life on Land
16. Peace, Justice and Institution
17.Partnerships for The Goals
Those 17 SDGs are the conference tracks of ISICO 2021

All full papers will be published and indexed by SCOPUS. Maximum pages of full paper are 8. The maximum length of abstract is 100 words. For the review process, the authors should not put their names and affiliations on the manuscript.

MS Word template
Latex template

Submission for ISICO 2021 can be made using this link: SUBMIT NOW

The scope of ISICO 2021 are follows, but not limited to:
 1.  Software Engineering
 2.  Software Design Pattern
 3.  System Analysis and Design
 4.  Research Methods of Information Systems
 5.  Green Technology Strategies
 6.  Strategic Information Systems
 7.  IT Governance and Audits
 8.  E-Government
 9.  IT Service Management
10. IT Project Management
11. Information System Development
12. Software Quality Assurance
13. Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology
14. Health Information Systems and Technology
15. Accounting Information Systems
16. Human Behavior in Information System
17. Social Technical Issues and Social Inclusion
18. Domestication of Information Technology
19. ICTs and Sustainable Development
20. Information System in developing countries
21. Software metric and cost estimation
22. IT/IS audit
23. IT Risk and Management
24. Business Intelligence
25. Data Mining
26. Intelligent Systems
27. Artificial Intelligence
28. Autonomous Agents
29. Intelligent Agents
30. Multi-Agent Systems
31. Expert Systems
32. Pattern Recognition
33. Machine Learning
34. Soft Computing
35. Optimization
36. Forecasting
37. Meta-Heuristics
38. Computational Intelligence
39. Decision Support Systems
40. Database Management Systems
41. Open Data
42. Data Visualization
43. Semantics Web and Linked Data
44. Big Data
45. Web Services
46. Social Media
47. Social Networks
48. Visualization Information
49. Social Information Systems
50. Social Informatics
51. Spatial Information Systems
52. Geographical Information Systems
53. Enterprise Resource Planning
54. Business Process Management
55. Customer Relationship Management
56. Supply Chain Management and Logistics
57. System Dynamics
58. E-business and e-Commerce
59. Marketing Analytics
60. Marketplace Analytics
61. Business Analytics and Knowledge Discovery
62. Production Management
63. Task Analysis
64. Process Mining
65. Discrete Event Simulation
66. Service Science and Innovation
67. Innovation in the Digital Economy
68. Information Security and Privacy
69. Digital Forensics
70. Network Security
71. Cryptography
72. Cloud and Virtualization
73. Emerging Technologies
74. Computer Vision and Image
75. Ethics in Information Systems
76. Human Computer Interaction
77. Wireless Sensor Networks
78. Medical Image Analysis
79. Internet of Things
80. Mobile and Pervasive Computing
81. Real-time Systems and Embedded Systems
82. Parallel and Distributed Systems