Information Systems International Conference (ISICO) is a biannual international conference has been hosted by Department of Information Systems, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) since 2011. In 2013, ISICO becomes the official Association for Information Systems (AIS) Indonesia Chapter (named AISINDO) affiliated conference. During ISICO 2013, the AISINDO was established and was cordially commemorated by The AIS Past President, Professor Doug Vogel of City University of Hong Kong. Currently AISINDO is the largest AIS Chapter in ASEAN in terms of National Members. The main philosophy of ISICO’s presence is that to widen the research collaboration among IS researchers worldwide. Especially (but not limited) those that of developing countries. To this point, ISICO does not aim to replace existing IS Conferences such as PACIS, AMCIS, ICIS, or ECIS but rather it complements their presences. In ISICO 2015, we have successfully received 230 submissions from 23 countries. Most of the submissions came from Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Thailand. This number shows that our very goal was a great success and ISICO is the best place to earn global partnership in especially for research that needs unique case study in developing countries.

The Sixth ISICO 2021 theme is “Unleash the Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Information System for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals“. Our spirit towards this conference is to promote Information System as a collaborator in today’s interdisciplinary works (researches or projects) for dealing with the Sustainable Development Goals’ issues. Please check our conference tracks and scopes for more details. For the first time, ISICO will be held virtually as we concern of the safety and well-being of our participants in this COVID-19 situation. 

We regularly invites Global AIS President such as Prof. Douglas Vogel, Hong Kong (ISICO 2013), Prof. Jaekyu Lee, Korea (ISICO 2015), and Prof Matti Rossi, Finland (ISICO 2017). Paper will undergo at least double-blind, developmental reviews by the Scientific Committee. Final acceptance of approved camera ready papers will be contingent on incorporating reviewers’ feedback to the satisfaction of the Editors-in-chief.

Previous publication of ISICO: